Payroll Service

Monthly payroll service and HR. function:

We offer a comprehensive range of payroll management and administration services.
Professional, high quality services to our clients’ Payroll functionalities add value to your company as a whole.

With the main objective being to meet the client's requirements by establishing a stable and secure platform Booysen Accountants meet all your payroll needs. These necessities are dealt with by a dedicated and professional team for the betterment of your company.
Our HR and payroll management services include:

Payroll processing:

  • Timely implementations of SAGE BUISNESS CLOUD PAYROLL PROFESSIONAL services.
  • Administrating the necessary payroll data.
  • Payroll structuring according to each individuals tax based needs.

Payroll Management:

  • Administration of timely payment of salaries for employees.
  • Making payment of all necessary employees' tax and UIF contributions to the relevant authorities feasible.
  • Submission of the Compensation Commissioner - Return of Earnings Documents.
  • Preparation and submission of Monthly Payroll Reports; including EMP201, UI19 and other relevant required payroll submissions.
  • Annual audit preparation (Auditors are externally appointed).
  • EMP501 Reconciliation Reports including IRP5 Certificates (per employee) will be issued in accordance with SARS Regulations.
  • Completion and submission of statutory returns.


